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It was probably difficult to choose what to study but once studies ended, our young face another important step in life – entering the employment world. What can one do when this time arrives?

In Connecting Europe we provide a unique opportunity by helping our students to acquire a good work experience relating to their studies. Professional practice in recognised companies or organisations abroad open an infinity of doors for them when searching for employment later.

For their peace of mind, parents must know that the students are not alone. They travel in the care of Connecting Europe and therefore have a support person at all times who will guide them and solve any important question they may have while they are in the European city. We also offer travel insurance for any unforeseen event that may arise.

As well as gaining experience in the employment world, the students have a great opportunity to take advantage of their stay to learn languages by taking one of the many language courses that Connecting Europe offers in prestigious academies such as that in the Irish city of Cork, the Cork English College, a prestigious centre with more than 35 years’ experience.

Undertaking professional practices in Europe is a unique opportunity for students.